your brand archetype
This short quiz will help us uncover your brand archetype. This will inform design choices, content voice, and it’s just fun information to know!
About Archetypes
Brand archetypes are a collection of personas that humans intrinsically recognize as part of the human narrative. Rooted in philosophical and psychological ideology, archetypes help your infuse meaning into your brand. As Margaret Mark and Carol S. Pearson say,
“What your brand means to people will be every bit as important as its function - if not more so - because it is meaning that tells us “this one feels right” or “this one’s for me”.
Each of the 12 archetypes lean on intrinsic motivations that speak to desires, fears, and drivers of our customers.
Plato (423-349 BC)
Form of intuition are the templates of intuitive understanding.
Aristotle (384-322 BC)
The right structure to your story makes the audience your focus.
Carl Jung (1875-1961)
We all have instinctive understandings of behavioral patterns.
The Hero & The Outlaw
We meet the 12 archetypes that are the heartbeat of a brand.
Take the Quiz
Our archetype quiz takes 5 minutes or less, and will highlight the top archetypes your brand aligns with.